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1 ton of food waste + Black Soldier Fly larvae = 100kg of animal feed + 200kg of fertiliser!? Does this mean that the secret to managing biowaste is hidden in fly larvae? Founded in…
SEDC Nutreco Sdn Bhd, Entomal Borneo Sdn Bhd dan Natpro Biotech Sdn Bhd mengumumkan usaha sama untuk membangunkan projek inovatif Black Soldier Fly (BSF) yang merupakan projek pertanian dan akuakultur lestari. Usaha berkenaan yang dimeterai…
SEDC Nutreco Sdn Bhd, Entomal Borneo Sdn Bhd, and Natpro Biotech Sdn Bhd have joined forces to launch a state-of-the-art black soldier fly (BSF) production facility. The venture will focus on producing BSF larvae, which…
Entomal, a seasoned startup that also joined Sidec’s previous expedition to the US, stated that the judges encouraged them to rapidly scale their biotech and waste management solution. “[We were advised] to place more emphasis on…
SEDC Nutreco Sdn Bhd, Entomal Borneo Sdn Bhd dan Natpro Biotech Sdn Bhd mengumumkan usaha sama untuk membangunkan projek inovatif pertanian dan akuakultur lestari, Black Soldier Fly (BSF) atau lalat askar hitam. Perbadanan Pembangunan Ekonomi…
大马的生物科技公司Entomal Biotech前不久在Sushi Tech Tokyo 2024全球创新大会上获得特别奖。他们利用“环保昆虫”黑水虻处理农业废料和食物垃圾,并推出昆虫蛋白宠物饲料。所以,节目邀请到了Entomal Biotech的联合创始人兼首席商务总监郑馨彦来分享公司如何发现商机、创新技术以及未来的发展计划。 To read more visit:
Entomal Biotech生物科技公司是利用黑水虻这类“环保昆虫”,来处理农业废料和厨余,甚至研发出昆虫蛋白宠物饲料。到底当中蕴含哪些商机? 主持人:Tommy 责玮 嘉宾:郑馨彦(Entomal Biotech 联合创办人) To watch more visit:
恩德生物科技是一家专注于永续生物技术解决方案的先驱公,其业务宗旨以解决全球粮食安全和废弃物管理挑战为使命,专注于昆虫生物转化技术的创新使用,特别是将有机废弃物变废为宝,例如通过养殖黑水虻(black soldier fly)生产优质蛋白质和生物肥料。 To read more visit:
In 2023, it surpassed Thailand as the most visited tourist destination in Asia. And when it comes to technology, it is the region where large microchip companies are investing to open new semiconductor factories and…
BERDASARKAN Data Sisa Pepejal Tahun 2023, rakyat Malaysia membuang 17,379 tan sehari sisa makanan dan itu bersamaan 473 gram, untuk setiap individu. Melihat kepada isu terbabit, Le Meridien Petaling Jaya, ahli WCT Holdings Bhd dan…
作为WCT控股和万豪国际一员的八打灵再也艾美酒店(LE MERIDIEN),宣布与恩德生物科技(Entomal Biotech)合作启动食物垃圾管理计划,履行对可持续实践的承诺,协助减少酒店的碳足迹。 该计划采用“移动式生物转化系统”(EMBC),通过黑水虻幼虫消化及分解食物垃圾,把虫粪转化为有机肥料;幼虫富含蛋白质,可用于城市农场的可持续动物饲料。这种循环经济方案不仅解决了食物垃圾问题,还将其转化为有价值的商品。 八打灵再也艾美酒店总经理克里斯托弗摩尔(Christopher Moore)指出,艾美酒店实施该计划,与WCT控股和万豪国际一起通过“Serve360”推动可持续性实践,减少全球碳排放。 To read more visit:
A hotel in Petaling Jaya, Selangor has launched a food waste management initiative to reduce waste sent to landfills. The process involves entomal mobile bioconversion, which efficiently transforms food waste into nutrient-rich insect protein and…
UOB’s innovation accelerator, UOB FinLab, has launched the GreenTech Accelerator 2024, enabling greentech startups to grow, transform, forge partnerships and create pilots to address sustainability challenges. Out of 350 applicants, 34 companies were shortlisted. And 10 of…
Organic Waste Reduction: EMBC is designed to address the escalating issue of organic waste by efficiently converting it into valuable resources. The system utilises Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) to consume organic waste, significantly reducing…
Le Méridien Petaling Jaya, a proud member of the WCT Holdings Berhad (“WCT”) and Marriott International, is excited to announce the launch of a revolutionary Food Waste Management initiative. This initiative, in partnership with Entomal…
『SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024』のプログラムの一環であるグローバルスタートアッププログラムが、5月15・16日に開催された。 この国際的なイベントでは『SusHi Tech Challenge 2024』というピッチイベントも同時開催。世界43の国・地域の507社からファイナリストの1社に選ばれ、複数の特別賞を獲得したのがEntomal Biotech Sdn. Bhd(以下、Entomal Biotech)というマレーシア発スタートアップだ。 「食品ロス」は、世界各国の課題だ。 消費者庁によると、日本では2021年に523万トンもの食品ロスが発生している。この量は「世界中で飢餓に苦しむ人々に向けた世界の食料支援量(2021年で年間約440万トン)の1.2倍に相当」する極めて膨大な量である。しかもこれは、日本だけの排出量だ。 To read more visit:
昨年に引き続き、SuShi Tech Tokyo 内におけるピッチコンペティション「SusHi Tech Challenge」が、今年も熾烈な戦いを繰り広げた。昨年は核融合炉部品開発の京都フュージョニアリングが優勝に輝いたこのコンペティションに、今年は世界43カ国の507社からエントリーがあり、準決勝には20社が選出され、決勝には7社が残った。 To read more visit:
八点最热报 | 国内一家名为恩德生物科技的公司近年来一直从事对黑水虻幼虫这种“大吃货”的本性进行特别研究,把它们融入技术,推出“移动式生物转化系统”集装箱,让相关的企业和商家着手解决每天量产的厨余问题。 To read more visit:
Entomal Biotech, a multi-award-winning startup, is making waves with its innovative approach to addressing the global challenges of food waste, emissions, and food security. With a mission to transform waste into valuable resources, the company…
In 2022, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) set a goal to increase its number of startups, unicorns, and collaborative projects between governments and businesses by 10 fold over the course of five years. Since then, it has launched…
In the mentioned UNEP report, Malaysia was identified as the worst global per capita offender in terms of food waste. The report shared that Malaysians waste an astounding 8.3 million metric tonnes of food annually,…
The biotech industry is reaching new heights in 2024. It’s an exciting time, with significant changes driven by new technology and fresh ideas. This year, we’re seeing how AI’s applications span across the biopharma landscape,…
It is time to create authentic, local-oriented experiences in Malaysian cities beyond shopping malls and conventional tourist sites, said Hamdan Abdul Majeed, managing director of Think City during the Creative Kuala Lumpur (KL) Grants Programme…