Entomal is announced as the “Grand Winner” of the Malaysia Tech Planter Demo Day

On 17th July 2023, Entomal was announced as the Grand Winner of the Malaysia Tech Planter 2023 series, organized by Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn Bhd.

Furthermore, Entomal is on the run for the highly anticipated Tech Planter Asia Final 2023, competing against tech startups from Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia. This global platform presents Entomal with an extraordinary opportunity to connect with industry leaders, investors, and fellow innovators across the region.

Entomal expresses its gratitude to the organizer of this prestigious event and provides an ecosystem that fosters growth and success. We would also like to thank our remarkable team at Entomal for their unwavering dedication and passion.

We look forward to the Tech Planter Asia Final 2023 where we will showcase the immense potential of our technology and make Malaysia proud on the international stage. Stay tuned for more updates on our journey!

To read more visit: https://en.techplanter.com/2023/07/20/tpmy2023_winners/