The Entrepreneur: Citing Black Soldier Fly Biotechnology to Solve Global Crisis – Entomal Biotech

Current News – November 23, 2022

Entomal Biotech Sdn Bhd (Entomal) is a biotechnology company established in December 2019. Entomal was founded by Thomas Pui , who established Entomal to create a regenerative economy to address threats to humanity from global crises, such as food security or climate change.

Entomal is the first company in Malaysia to introduce foreign technology research – Black Soldier Fly (Black Soldier Fly) , focusing on the study of the habits of local Black Soldier Fly for resource utilization. The black soldier fly, also known as the bright flat-horned soldier fly, is a saprophytic insect of the Soldier Fly family, and is the scavenger of nature in the universe. The insects decompose organic matter produced in daily life, such as kitchen waste and decomposed plants and animals. Entomal mainly uses the living characteristics of the black soldier fly to transform the organic waste generated in daily life into high-protein feed and organic fertilizer, thereby creating commercial value.

In recent years, global warming and the gradual increase in emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide have brought a crisis to the human climate. Today, Entomal cooperates with the Selangor State Government to reduce food waste in daily life and promote the “Run to Zero Carbon” action. Rather than sending the food waste produced by humans to landfills, it is better to convert these wastes into energy and become an “ecosphere” in the food chain. Black soldier flies can eat the kitchen waste in human daily life, and then the excrement can be processed into organic fertilizer for plants. In addition, after a series of drying procedures, the larvae of the black soldier fly can become high-protein feed for fish, ducks, chickens and other poultry and pets.

The founder of Entomal, Thomas Pui, was also invited to open the Black Soldier Fly Research Institute at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), a public university in Shah Alam, Malaysia , so that the relevant departments of the school (Science in Environmental Technology) of students have the opportunity to intern at the Institute. The purpose of this institute is to enable students to have real materials and data to complete their dissertation reports. In addition to focusing on the research of existing biotechnology, Entomal will develop into medical research in the future.

Entomal received an award from the Selangor Innovation and Startup Accelerator Program (SAP) organized by Sidec in September 2022. In addition, Entomal will conduct online equity crowdfunding on the platform in December 2022.